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More about LCRF

The charity


LCRF is registered with the Charities Commission under our full title, the London Churches Fund for Destitute Asylum Seekers, charity number 1121108. Our accounts and annual report are submitted as required and details may be viewed on the Commission website,


Our registered objects are as follows:


  • To advance education and relieve sickness and financial and other hardship amongst refugees and those seeking asylum in the Greater London area and their dependents, either directly or by making resources available to other organizations working to achieve the same object;
  • To advance the education of the public in general about the issues relating to refugees and those seeking asylum.



In practice, LCRF does not 'directly' help refugees and asylum seekers but channels resources to those front line charities and projects active in this work. We seek to achieve our educational object through the provision of information on this website elsewhere, speaker meetings, etc.


Our full Deed of Trust (2006) may be downloaded by clicking here.


LCRF has a full set of policies and procedures, including a Trustee Vetting Policy, Safeguarding Policy, Risk Management Policy, Risk Register, Data Protection Policy, Conflicts of Interest Policy and Complaints Policy. Any request to view a particular policy should be made in writing using the Contact Us form on the homepage.


LCRF Trustees

Revd Chris Brice (Chair), Gillian Dare, Revd Maggie Hindley, Stella Jeffrey, Revd Roxane Liddell, Robina Rafferty, Matthew Lloyd, Simon Loveitt


LCRF Treasurer: 

Dave Bond


LCRF Core Volunteers:

Governance and Social Media:  

Palissa Osei-Owusu*


Anitha Babu

Database and Mail Chimp:

Clement Francis


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Charity Correspondent: Stella Jeffrey, 112 Embleton Road , London , SE13 7DG

Site (c) LCRF 2020. All photos (c) LCRF unless stated

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